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What is Peyronie’s Disease

  • Posted by: notobella-admin

Peyronie’s disease is an often debilitating condition characterized by the presence of penile pain, hard plaques on the penis causing penile deformity or curving of the penis, and resulting erectile dysfunction.

It is prevalent in 5% of men and most men experience ‘stability’ of their symptoms within one year of symptom onset. Peyronie’s disease does not resolve spontaneously and symptoms worsen if not treated. Fortunately, there are a number of treatment options that will correct the curvature of the penis and most of these options do not require surgery.

Medications- oral therapy with medications like Pentoxifylline help reduce the production of collagen plaques on the posterior surface of the penis that causes curvature of the penis over time. While medications can help, they are usually only helpful in very mild cases.

Intralesional Injections- Xiaflex is a drug that is directly injected into the penile plaques to cause the dissolution of the plaques. The injections are performed over a series of treatments with very promising results. In advanced cases of Peyronie’s disease, this series of intralesional injections is definitely the best treatment option.

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (Gaineswave therapy)- Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy has been a real game-changer for Peyronie’s disease and the resultant erectile dysfunction from it. This therapy is non-invasive and painless. Again, it requires a series of weekly treatments, and usually, after six to eight treatments, men are able to recover successful erectile function.

Penile curving and resultant erectile dysfunction with Peyronie’s disease can result in psycho-social issues that affect the quality of life. With a variety of treatments, this condition has become very treatable, and in most cases without recurrence.

Author: notobella-admin